Frantic times

When you’ve been to college (of any form: MBO, HBO, WO, other) you probably know the drill: several hours before the deadline some frantic work is done to get everything in order to meet the final deadline set by your teacher.
For us, this was just the case yesterday and today, however it wasn’t for the seminar. As our final meeting is on Thursday, the regular Monday-deadline is postponed to Wednesday (we figure), but we strive to deliver a finished document as early as Tuesday 23:59 PM. This way we are a day early, a day in which we can enjoy the sweetness of knowing this course is completed and all the hard work is done.

The final document is shaping up to be quite hefty, at this point we’ve already surpassed the 75-pages marker, and are steadily heading for the 100. I hope we’ll stay under the 100 pages, to at least give the impression we’ve been editing the document to fit under the 100.
Aesthetics put aside; the final document will be published here for you all to read.
Right now, I’m heading for my bed as tomorrow is (again) filled with college; yes the whole 4 hours of it!
I apologize for the large gap between this one and my previous post, I was not being helped by the outage of my internet-connection the past couple of days, I know I will be sending a complaint about it not being fixed within 24 hours.