Is this the end of Balkenende IV?

Employment , forced termination of employment, legal issues surrounding employment and the current cabinet Balkenende IV don’t go together very well.
After the near crash of the current cabinet last year, minister Donner has said today he thinks the regulations regarding the termination of employment should be re-evaluated and perhaps even adapted to respect employers more.

Today, regulations around employment are strongly in favor of the employee, and make for a very sturdy labourmarket. It is hard to let an employee off for an employer, making the employer more picky to choose a potential employee. Besides this, and luckily for our economy, there is a shortage in people. This leads to a better market for newcomers.
Besides this: the current regulations are too strong for a flexible labourmarket such as in the United States, although it is highly unlikely that system would fit our culture in Holland.

I am in favour of creating the regulations less strict and in favour of the employee, to give employers the power to terminate employment based on the well-faring of the organization. This increased mobility makes for a better position of the organization in the international competition.
The views of Donner are controversial, and the position of the CDA-minister is being questioned by the PvdA as we speak. Also, Groenlinks has requested a ‘spoeddebat’ regarding this issue as they feel the minister is actively undermining the current political vision that is being put out there by our government nowadays. Will our cabinet topple over due to this (ongoing) debate about employment regulations?
I personally doubt it as it’ll be ignored once minister Donner is forced to take back what he said…

Disclaimer: I know this post is not as well structured as usual, I’m working on it though.
I published it as it now contains my view, be it not as well formulated as you might be familiar with.