Halfway there

This is our fourteenth day in Namibia, and we are thus halfway our vacation. Today is our day off, and the only full day we have here at the Kwando River. We spent it by waking up late, having a nice relaxed breakfast, taking pictures of the resident rodents and small birds, getting our tan on in the sun next to the swimming pool and in hammocks, and going on the PM Safari tour into Mudumu National Park.

This is also one of the places where almost all wildlife had vanished, but is now slowly returning. On the tour we have spotted loads of Common Impala (Etosha has Black-faced Impala), some Kudu, a nice pack of Roan Deer and even some Elephants! All animals are returning now, but it’ll take a while for everything to be back to what is was.

We have a border to cross tomorrow, and this is our last sunset in Namibia. The other side of the river already is Botswana, and that is where we’ll be heading. And I finally got my hands on the elusive Weizen beer from Namibia: Camelthorn! This has been kindly provided by our new found friends Tim & Rosalinde, who happen to have the exact same itinerary from now on. The only difference is that they travel with a large 4×4 with a tent on the roof, where we have our humble Duster to navigate the roads.