Learning the hard way
Going on long holidays to exotic destinations, and taking lots of pictures is nice and all, but the real burdon of it comes long after flying back home.
It is the near endless sifting through the photo’s and determining which ones are to be shown to the loved ones that gets me.
Right now, we have embarked on the journey of categorizing and sorting out well over 400GB of data from our trip to NZ. All in all, the task is monumental.
We thought we tackled large volumes of pictures before, but this year tops the chart.
Our trip to South Africa beat the per week record, but the overall crown goes to New Zealand. Ouch.
This year, yet another trip to a very photogenic location is planned and I really hope we ‘finish’ NZ before it, otherwise the new mountain of data will just create a bigger backlog.
In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek at what we created!

Wellicht ter plekke meer schiften. Kan helpen. Maar 400 gb is ook wel erg veel.
Het gaat dus wel een tijdje duren voordat er een compleet overzicht is. Ik kijk er naar uit!