Category: Spam


Moving time

My hosting partner for this website has been a trusty, yet private party able to provide high class service for a very low price. Born out of a hobby, this has grown too big for him to cope with. Since september 1st, I’ve moved site from the original BVDServer-2 to a new party. You shouldn’t see too much difference, but

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Transplanting the crucial part

After over four years of dutiful work, my trusty Asus V6800 (or V6V) laptop suddenly threw errors at me during startup. With a SMART status of BAD, it instructed me to go buy a new HDD, as the likelihood of failures would increase dramatically in the near future. So I did. I grabbed myself a Samsung 160GB 2.5″ HDD, and

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New camera, new settings

Lightroom’s Default Develop Settings: If you are anything like me, then you have spent all too long wondering a couple of things about lightroom (I use version 2.6) regarding importing RAW files and the default settings that Lightroom applies to them before you begin working on editing them. Firstly, I wondered how to change those default settings that Lightroom applies

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