Month: March 2008

Being AWOL

As of today, your most favorited blogger is back. I went AWOL last week, to rest a bit and generally do a whole lot of nothing. So I did, and today I returned to the daily business of travelling to and from Nieuwegein. I’m really nearing completion of the thesis, so I’ll be posting updates soon!

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Proprietary web-coding ends here?

About 40% of my visitors (and not including me) to my blog agree: FireFox is better to browse. At least, it is used in 40% of the times people read here. This leaves 60% of the readers using Internet Explorer (IE), where about a quarter is using ‘ye olde’ IE6 and more than half the amount of the IE-users is

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Home shopping

There is a point in your life, when you and your partner decide you want to be together each and every day of the week, or at least as many days of the week as possible. This decision often is referred to as ‘living together’, which is the decision Kirsten and I made a little while ago. Yesterday we went

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Fear of Islam is ruling The Hague

Each and every day there seems to be news about Geert Wilders, his Islam-critic film Fitna, "Boerkinis", troublesome (islamic) allochthonous youth and more. One could say it’s the Islam, or rather the fear around it, that’s keeping the reporters and our politicians busy. To start with Fitna, the recently completed but still unviewed critical film about the Islam and the

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