Month: March 2008

Upgrades & improvements

For whoever is blogging with WordPress, the last few days must have been filled with newsposts, updates and announcements about the all new WordPress 2.5 I too have upgraded (since about 20 minutes ago) and everything seems to run fine. If you do find some peculiar behavior anywhere on this site, please feel free to notify me, by emailing me.

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Ceiling cat get's its paper equivalent

Normally, I don’t post remnants of ‘old’ internethypes, yet today is different. Lolcats, who does not know them. They’ve got their own sites, goodies and even a programming language. An internet-hype pur sang. One of the most hilarious is ceiling cat, who now has got his paper equivalent. I found it here, and all props go to the author.

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/me is done!

Whoa, that feels nice! I’m (finally) done waiting for the approval for my graduation! I’ve set up an appointment to deal with all the bureaucratic hassle that has to be dealt with at the university, but I’m not going to change a single letter of my thesis anymore. Done! yay! *celebrates* Update (2008-04-07): I’ve had to reschedule the appointment to

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Our nation ground to a halt

What a little bit of snow can do to mobility. 888 kilometres of queue on our highways, no trains going in or out of Rotterdam and to make matters worse: the snow did not even stay long. It melted almost directly after it touched the ground. No fun ánd all the hassle. Whoever thought the issues concerning mobiility and specifically

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Murder of the mussel

Yes, it does say murder. Our nation has been renowned for it’s mussels for ages, as ‘Zeeuwse Mosselen’ are world famous for their taste and fat. Dutch mussels differ from all other mussels as they are treated well in every stage of their life, to benefit both the fishers and consumers and the mussels. Nowadays, all production involving livestock has

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Budget neutral sucks!

Inheritance tax probably is the most disliked and misunderstood form of taxation our country has. Whenever a departed dear one grants a part of their ‘fortune’ to you, you’ll have to pay taxes for receiving it, even when you have not yet received it (for instance, when your mom still lives in the parental house when your dad passed away).

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No more mr Student

If you want to buy a house, you’ll have to have an income of some sort. My income at Ordina is not bad at all for an intern, yet it is far from enough to pursuade the bank to lend me the sack of money needed to buy our house. Therefore, I’ve decided to take up the offer graciously made

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Home shopping – part II

As of last Friday, we now own a house. The next few weeks will be frantic due to the fuss surrounding financing a house, finding furniture and all meetings with real estate brokers and the notary. I’m really glad to have bought the house, and am really looking forward to moving in, after redecorating and all the mentioned fuss above.

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