Year: 2009

Pics backpost

Remember me buying my new flashy hardware? Well, I still like it a lot. 🙂 I also made a whole lot of pics with it attached to my camera, and as I promised: here’s an very small excerpt of those. We had to wash our rabbits with special shampoo to cure a skin condition, which was troubling them and making

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The 100K milestone

Car abuse taken to the maximum: I drove around 42K in just under a year. Coming from doing a mere 8000 kilometres per year, I’m now driving almost 4 times as much to and from my project location. Nevertheless: it’s a funny sight, and here’s the proof.

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A quick peek into my environment

Monday morning, 7:45 AM. You step into your office to find nothing but a mere dysfunctional coffee-machine, a few co-workers and your empty desk. Monday morning, 9:30 AM. You step into the room next-door to do some chit-chatting with a colleague, and you find this: Presents from Dell! Yes, that’s 30 2208wfp’s. I mean, 30 screens extra. Which crisis are

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Due to an error in one of the plugins I use, my website has shown a mere blank page (with the background in place) for over a day. I’m currently looking into it, and in an effort to tackle the issue, I’ve deactivated that plugin. The search has limited functionality for now; my apologies for that. Edit (06-04-2009) As I

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Flashy gadget

Ever since I got my Nikon D40, I wanted to have a little something for it to aid me in making better shots. Yes, you’ve guessed it: I wanted to get an external flash! I went out to get me a lovely Nikon Speedlight SB-400, and that is what I achieved. I’m pretty chuffed about that. 🙂 You’ll see me

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Sportive success

The weekend before last (being Saturday February 14th and Sunday February 15th) my girlfriend and I participated in a tournament at Delft. It’s called the Delft ABCD 2009 tournament, and enables players of all four levels to compete against each other in the levely scenery of the hall. We have attended the tournament before, yet weren’t able to win anything.

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Some patience required

Finally, after over half a year of waiting, and stressing the vendor to finally complete our order, the final pieces of our table have been delivered! With over 6 months of looking at white inserts in our table, they are today replaced for the official slabs of lay we originally purchased. Below is the final result, and for those who’ve

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