Tag: Master thesis

Closing time

If all goes well today, I’m due to hand in my thesis this afternoon, around 3pm. About 4 to 6 weeks after that, I will graduate after a graduation-session, where my supervisors will try to ask all kinds of tough questions. I’m looking forward to it! 🙂 Until then, I’ll be working at Ordina. My first week is also nearing

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/me is done!

Whoa, that feels nice! I’m (finally) done waiting for the approval for my graduation! I’ve set up an appointment to deal with all the bureaucratic hassle that has to be dealt with at the university, but I’m not going to change a single letter of my thesis anymore. Done! yay! *celebrates* Update (2008-04-07): I’ve had to reschedule the appointment to

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Being AWOL

As of today, your most favorited blogger is back. I went AWOL last week, to rest a bit and generally do a whole lot of nothing. So I did, and today I returned to the daily business of travelling to and from Nieuwegein. I’m really nearing completion of the thesis, so I’ll be posting updates soon!

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Short thesis-update

Since it already is the 18th of December, I’m telling you, my precious readers, the thesis is nearing completion. There still are major loads of work to do, and since my thesis coordinator at the university (again) is away for some time next week it’ll be a mad dash to the end. Wish me luck here, at least I’ve rested

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Thesis update December

Wow, with Sinterklaas on our doorsteps, it cannot be long before the merry days at the end of the year will commence. I’m already getting hammered with Christmas advertisements, and it will only intensify over the next few weeks. Over here, a gentleman’s agreement has been made amongst store-holders to only start advertising Christmas inside their stores and in the

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Only 2 months to go

The first of November is a milestone date for me. It’s only 2 short months away from the deadline for my master thesis, and I’m kind of shaky acknowledging this. So far, I’m still going as planned, with my thesis progressing as scheduled. My portal quality framework is taking shape real quick and the validation stage is near. I’ll be

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Meetings rule!

And I mean it! Especially if you’re a good-sounding as I am now, with my clogged nose and lovely nasal voice. 😉 However, considering the above, I’m currently doing my job well. At least, according to my supervisor(s) and co-workers here at Ordina. To underline this, they’ve tried to make my thesis better by handing me some more theoretical frameworks

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Today has been a big day in my, so far very short, career. My internship has been approved! I will be busy writing my masterthesis at Ordina, a leading company when talking about SOA and SOA-integration. My job is to write a thesis which not only will grant me a degree at my university, but one that will satisfy the

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