Year: 2008

Getting close

As of the 16th, it’s only a mere month before I can rightfully be declared a home-owner. Oh well, at least a home-co-owner since we both will own half of it. Secondly, I will legally have a partner. It’s pretty weird to know you’re going to legally bind yourself to another person, regardless of the fact you perhaps even intended

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It's a festive week

This week, several things have happened, which do not happen often. Firstly, I got two separate acknowledgements that our mortgage is accepted by the institution lending us the money, and they do not see any reasons why not to let us be able to buy our house. Yay! We now own a vast amount of money. 🙂 Secondly, but not

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Packaging payments

This week, our world is about to get a little less polluted. The Dutch government has effectuated regulation conceived last August in conjunction with the corporate world and the municipalities to collect and process the plastics in the garbage separately from the other waste. No worries there, separated collection of garbage makes it easy to process it, as the separation

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Why bilingularity sucks

Well, we probably all know the issues in Belgium these days. After a period of 192 days, a new government has been formed under the supervision of Yves Leterme, which had to cope with a huge amount of concessions. The agreement was almost non-functional as both sides were dug in deep. Today, and in the short week hereafter, this might

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No more winter

Today, I put away the winter-headers, and restored the original headers on top of every page on this blog. The sun is shining generously over here, and with temperatures quietly reaching over 20 degrees Celsius, the wintery images are not quite suiting the weather. 😉

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Recetly, you might have exerienced some sluggishness and a hickup. Timmo: sorry I lost your reply! Due to a migration of this site to a new and improved install of the server, with more secure versions of PHP and mySQL, some mishaps occurred with the old system. A DB had to be put back from the backup, and thus I

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One long night

I’m trying to get some sleep, as tomorrow is only a few hours away, yet I cannot. Why? I can hear you ask. I’ll tell you why. For the Dutch, and in particular the ones addicted to a show called ‘Mijn tent is top’, it should be clear by now. For those who still have a huge question sign floating

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Far away from home

This week has started really early for me, as I got into my car at 05:45 this morning to go to Groningen. For those wondering how far that would be for me: pretty far! Grotere kaart weergeven I’ll be here for three days, and two nights. All I can say is that Groningen is a pretty city, I hope I

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Sports in Waddinxveen

This weekend, I’ve competed in a A,B,C,D-tournament at Conquesto, Waddinxveen. It is one of the nicer tournaments. Well organized, nice accommodation and nice people. I”ve played single, men’s double and mixed double in the C-level, with pretty nice outcome. I lost the semi-final in the single’s competition, and the same holds for the men’s double. The mixed double (with my

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