Category: Personal

Pics backpost

Remember me buying my new flashy hardware? Well, I still like it a lot. 🙂 I also made a whole lot of pics with it attached to my camera, and as I promised: here’s an very small excerpt of those. We had to wash our rabbits with special shampoo to cure a skin condition, which was troubling them and making

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Sportive success

The weekend before last (being Saturday February 14th and Sunday February 15th) my girlfriend and I participated in a tournament at Delft. It’s called the Delft ABCD 2009 tournament, and enables players of all four levels to compete against each other in the levely scenery of the hall. We have attended the tournament before, yet weren’t able to win anything.

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August has arrived

It being the first day of the new month always lets me reflect the previous month. A lot of stuff has happened in July, of which not all was good. At this very moment though, the guy from the supplier is installing our lavabo and the previously mentioned accessories and he’s due to be done in a few hours. I’m

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Counting down the days

Yes, yet another major event is planned in the near future: the 16th, we get the keys to our very own house. The last few weeks have been all about frantically trying to obtain all necessary stuff to fill the rooms with, and we are nearing completion there. I’ve added a little countdown on the sidebar to your right, just

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Graduation time!

Tomorrow (Thursday 22nd of May) at noon, the time has come. After a six-year period of studying at my university, I’m about to graduate. I’m actually kind of nervous right now, even though I should be lying in bed sleeping. Blegh. It’s one of very few times I’m nervous about presenting, and it especially strikes me as odd, as I

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Getting close

As of the 16th, it’s only a mere month before I can rightfully be declared a home-owner. Oh well, at least a home-co-owner since we both will own half of it. Secondly, I will legally have a partner. It’s pretty weird to know you’re going to legally bind yourself to another person, regardless of the fact you perhaps even intended

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It's a festive week

This week, several things have happened, which do not happen often. Firstly, I got two separate acknowledgements that our mortgage is accepted by the institution lending us the money, and they do not see any reasons why not to let us be able to buy our house. Yay! We now own a vast amount of money. 🙂 Secondly, but not

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